WORLD LITERATURE 272--1650 to present                 Jim Roth's Website

Spring 2018


Syllabus    Writing Assignments    Notes and Thoughts

Links    Discussion Questions    Selected Poetry

Documentation Help




NeoClassic Art tour

Video--Introduction to drama--from Dian Nuswantoro University (UDINUS), Indonesia

Video--Neoclassic and Romantic Art Tour

Video--Romanticism Art tour--with video link

Enlightenment Notes and Thoughts--mp4 video

Enlightenment Notes and Thoughts--the handout

Rough Timeline of Periods and Events--mp4 video

Rough Timeline of Periods and Events--the handout

Fiction Terms and Definitions with video links



Introduction to Voltaire and Candide Week

Candide Chapters 1 through 12 Tour

Voltaire Appreciation Society Highlights Reel




Document--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem

Video--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem

Video--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem--Wordsworth-"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

Document--Scansion, Rhythm and Rhyme in Poetry

Video--Scansion, Rhythm and Rhyme in Poetry

Video--Structure in Poetry--"That Time of Year" Shakespearean (Elizabethan Sonnet)

Video--Structure in Poetry--"The Cross of Snow" Longfellow (Italian) Sonnet

A Primer on Poetic Feet

Sonnets Made Easy


Emily Dickinson Collection

Haiku and You Forum Assignment

Hsu Yun--19th century Chinese poet

The Painting and the Poem Assignment

The Riddle of the Paintings

What's Up with the Duke--An Investigation

Romanticism Forum Tour

Poems That Express Romanticism

"My Last Duchess" Analysis

Tennyson "Ulysses" Tour

Tennyson "Tithonus" Tour

Keats "Ode on a Grecian Urn" Tour

Dickinson and Whitman Introduction

The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy's "The Right Life" Forum

Tolstoy's "The Right Life" Forum--Our Culture

Kafka and "The Metamorphosis"

"The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot

Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums"

Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums" Discussion Posting Topic

"The Guest" by Albert Camus

Poems for Practice

Beginning Questions

Timeline of the Ancient World

Rough Timeline of Historic Influences

Fiction Terms and Definitions--with the Classical Plot Line

Sample Student Response from World Literature 271

Video--2013 Videos Start Page




Introduction to Phaedra--mp4 video

Phaedra Acts I and II--Jim's Tour--mp4 video

Minos and the History of the Minotaur

Phaedra—Highlighted Script

Phaedra and The Classical Plot Line