English 201Advanced English Composition
Winter 2001
Instructor: Shusmita (Mita) Sen
Old Main 1-211 R
(509) 533-7367
Office Hours for Online class:
10:30-11:30 Mon-Friday
Office Hours for all classes:
1:30-2:30 Mon-Thursday, and by appointment
1. Elements of Arguments, 6th Ed. Annette Rottenberg
2. A Writers Reference, 4th Ed. Diana Hacker or any other
handbook that offers adequate
research information
3. A college dictionary (optional)
Read the syllabus carefully, and if you need any clarification on any of the criteria, please feel free to ask questions now or at any time during the quarter. This syllabus stands as an agreementthat clearly defines the requirements of this course and the responsibilitiesbetween you and me. What you need to be aware of right now is that this courseAdvanced English Compositionrequires hard work and commitment.
Objectives of the Course:
English 201 is an expository writing course, requiring more advanced writing skills than did English 101, yet reviewing and incorporating some of the same skills. It will focus on the reading and discussion of various selections from your text and other sources. You will be writing essays about the subjects/readings discussed, using what you read both as models (when appropriate) and as inspiration for your own writing improvement. At the end of the course you should be able to:
- develop critical reading skills
- write effectively and coherently on controversial issues of today
- work in groups (in your preparation for seminar discussions, during your research for major papers, during in-class peer evaluations etc.)
- use the MLA documentation process correctly in your research paper
- recognize and learn the correct grammar and punctuation skills
Student Learning Outcomes:
"The Student Learning Outcomes Initiatives at Spokane Community College is committed to enrich the educational environment so that the power and growth of learning are valued by all members of the college. We are dedicated to seeing our students demonstrate the following critical Student Learning Abilities as they relate to our institution and the larger community." (SCC Outcomes Mission Statement)
The final grade for overall performance in this class will include assessment of the four SCC Outcomes Abilities:
You will be graded on your ability to manage your time, keep up with your educational
commitments, set priorities, work individually and in groups, and turn in acceptable,
college-level work.
Communication: You will learn to
present/offer your point of view (written and verbal) clearly, freely, and
effectivelywith logical reasoning strategies and adequate evidences to support your
claimso that others in the class can understand the materials being presented.
Problem Solving: You will be
accountable for synthesizing necessary information (facts, evidences, and expert opinions)
in your essays, learning to ask the right questions for clarification, demonstrating your
knowledge of analytical methods and the ability to arrive at reasonable
conclusions/solutions, and recognizing the connections between what you learn, your
learning styles, and real-life skills.
Global Awareness: You will be
expected to demonstrate your awareness of and respect for human diversity and differences
of opinion in class, keeping your mind open to fresh/new perspectives and displaying the
willingness to listen to other viewpoints
Note: Your performance on these learning outcomes will be assessed through regular self-analysis, group evaluation, and instructor-generated evaluation methods.
Since the course is designed to help you improve your reading and persuasive (argumentative) writing skills, you should be sincerely involved in both the activities. The primary text, Elements of Argument, will be used extensively for ideas on which most of your Seminar Papers will be based.
Typically, the workload for this course will be as follows:
- Seminar Papers: You will write approximately four short essays (the due dates will be on the calendar) you will hand in these essays which will be preceded and followed by online seminar discussions on the topics in question. Before you post the final drafts of your papers, you will also participate in peer-editing sessions (the dates will be on the calendar), when you will read each others papers, suggest improvements, and congratulate excellence. It is absolutely essential for you to actively participate in the discussions and the editing sessions not only to learn how to write effectively but also to receive full credits for your overall performance.
The seminar papers, around 400-450 words eachorganized in the standard essay formatwill be "text-based" and should address/include the following elements:
The main idea(s) in the work you are analyzing
- Term Paper: You will write a researched essay (due March 12), the details of which will be given on time. The paper should demonstrate your clear understanding of the MLA (Modern Language Association) documentation style. Like the seminar papers, your term paper will also be discussed online and edited by your group members before the final draft is posted.
- Critical Review: You will write a short Film Critique (due March 19) the details of which will be given on time.
- Other Assignments: Beside the major essays, you will also be required to take Grammar, Punctuation, and Documentation Tests.
Late-Work Policies:
- All final drafts of the Seminar papers should be posted on the due dates or as directed
The essays will lose 10% for everyday it is late.
The essays will not be accepted after three days
- The Term Paper and the Film Critique should be posted ed in on the days they are due, without exception.
The assignments will lose 15% for everyday they are late
They will not be accepted after three days.
Evaluation Process:
Your grade will be based on the total points achieved on the activities you choose to complete.
An approximate idea of the possible points is as follows:
Assignments |
Points Possible |
Seminar papers (four) | 150 total |
Editing Sessions for seminar papers | 20 total (5 each for effective participation) |
Term Paper | 100 |
Editingterm paper | 10 |
Critical Review Paper | 50 |
Grammar, Punctuation, Documentation Tests | 100 total |
Other miscellaneous assignments | 50 total |
Outcomes Assessment | 20 |
Total | 500 (approximately) |
Spokane Community College grading Scale:
Note: the grade scale for this course could be slightly different
Numeric Grades |
Letter Grade Equivalent |
Grading Scale |
3.8-4.0 | A (Superior achievement) | 95-100 |
3.5-3.7 | A- | 89-94 |
3.2-3.4 | B+ | 83-88 |
2.9-3.1 | B (Above average achievement) | 79-82 |
2.6-2.8 | B- | 76-78 |
2.3-2.5 | C+ | 73-75 |
2.0-2.2 | C (Average achievement) | 70-72 |
1.6-1.9 | C- | 66-69 |
1.3-1.5 | D+ | 63-65 |
1.0-1.2 | D (minimum achievement) | 60-62 |
0.7-0.9 | D- | 57-59 |
0.0-0.6 | F |
Withdrawals and "Z" Grades:
Other Considerations:
- It is recommended that you see or talk to your instructor and/or advisor if you consider withdrawing from this class. In the event you stop attending, have not formally withdrawn, and do not complete the course, you will receive a grade of 0.0 (F).
- A grade of "Z" or "I" (Incomplete) may be given, when requested by the student, under justifiable circumstances and solely at the instructors discretion.
- An "I" will only be considered under the following circumstances:
- Passing work must have been achieved prior to the student not being able to complete the course and
- The student is not able to complete the course due to circumstances beyond his/her control.
- The American with Disabilities Act is designed to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access academic programs and successfully complete their educational goals. Spokane Community College is committed to providing accessibility to all students. Any students with disabilities who have accommodation needs must contact Disability Support Services located in the Learning Resources Center (Library) or call Laura at 533-8872 to make an appointment to complete the intake process. This information will remain strictly confidential.
- Cheating: WAC 132Q-04-060
Any student who, for the purpose of fulfilling an assignment or task required by the faculty as part of the students program of instruction, shall knowingly tender any work product that the student fraudulently represents to the faculty as the students work product, shall be deemed to have cheated. Cheating shall be cause for disciplinary action.
Any student who aids or abets the accomplishment of cheating as defined in subsection (1) of this section shall also be subject to disciplinary action.
- Plagiarism Policy: WAC 132Q-04-061
Please review this SCC English Department Plagiarism Policy:
Plagiarism (from the Latin word for "kidnapper") is the presentation of someone elses ideas or words as your own. You plagiarize deliberately if you copy a sentence from a book and pass if off as your writing, if you summarize or paraphrase someone elses ideas without acknowledging your debt, or if you buy a term paper to hand in as your own. You plagiarize accidentally if you carelessly forget quotation marks around anothers idea because you are unaware of the need to acknowledge the idea. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious and often punishable offense.*
To encourage academic excellence and honesty, we have established the following policy:
Penalties for Deliberate Plagiarism or Cheating:
First Offense: Automatic failure of the paper or test and possible failure of the course. Second Offense: Automatic failure of the course.
*Fowler, H. Ramsey. Little, Brown Handbook, 3rd Ed. Boston: Little, 1986: 570.
I will encourage you to take responsibility for your own learning, behavior, and work.