English 99/101/102                                Essay’s Author:____________________

J. Roth


Peer Editing Evaluation Form—Definition Essay


Directions:  Please read through the draft before completing this form.




FDoes the essay meet the requirements of the assignment?   Yes      No     


        If yes, what term does the essay attempt to define? ________________


          If not, what is the essay lacking?






FDoes an Essay Planning Sheet accompany the essay?          Yes      No     




FIs the thesis sentence easy to locate?   Yes      No     


FDoes the thesis sentence conform to the requirements discussed?  Yes      No     


          If not, what is the thesis sentence lacking?






Body Paragraphs


FDoes each body paragraph have a clear topic sentence?  Yes      No     


           If not, which body paragraph(s) need repair?









Body Paragraphs (continued)


FIs each body paragraph unified (do all of the details belong?)    Yes      No


     If not, which body paragraph(s) need repair?






FIs each body paragraph organized coherently (are the details and examples in an effective order?)                                                                           Yes      No


     If not, which body paragraph(s) need to be reorganized?







FIs each body paragraph complete (are there enough details and examples?)    Yes    No


     If not, which body paragraph(s) need more details and examples?







FWhen you completed reading the draft, did you have a clear sense of what the writer meant by the term he or she chose to define?                   Yes      No


    If not, what do you think was lacking?





FWhat did you enjoy most about the essay?