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Essay Planning Sheet for the Milkshake Essay



Blank Essay Planning Sheet


List of topic points:






Paragraph 1:  Introduction—lead-in sentences.  End this paragraph with your thesis sentence.  Hint: Write this paragraph last.


    Write your Thesis Sentence: _____________________________




Paragraph 2: Write your Topic Sentence _____________________





Paragraph 3: Write your Topic Sentence: _____________________





Paragraph 4 Write your Topic Sentence: _____________________




Paragraph 5: Conclusion—recommendations for action, “cheerleading” and encouragement




Completed Essay Planning Sheet—Milkshake Essay


List of topic points:


Dryer’s ice cream

Goat’s milk

Brazilian flavoring syrups


Paragraph 1:  Introduction—lead-in sentences.  End this paragraph with your thesis sentence.  Hint: Write this paragraph last.



    Write your Thesis Sentence: The perfect gourmet milkshake requires Dryer's ice cream, goat's milk, and Brazilian Syrups.




Paragraph 2: Write your Topic Sentence: The first ingredient is ice cream, but not just any ice cream will do.




Paragraph 3: Write your Topic Sentence: The second ingredient is goat's milk.




Paragraph 4: Write your Topic Sentence: The final ingredient is the flavoring syrup.



Paragraph 5: Conclusion—recommendations for action, “cheerleading” and encouragement




The finished product--The Milkshake Essay