MLA Website Citation Model Locate any of the following for your
web page: 1.
Author and/or
editor names (if available) 2.
Article name in
quotation marks (if applicable) 3.
Title of the
Website, project, or book in italics. (Remember that some Print publications
have Web publications with slightly different names. They may, for example,
include the additional information or otherwise modified information, like
domain names [e.g. .com or .net].) 4.
Any version
numbers available, including revisions, posting dates, volumes, or issue
numbers. 5.
information, including the publisher name and publishing date. 6.
Take note of
any page numbers (if available). 7.
Medium of
publication. 8.
Date you
accessed the material. 9.
URL (if
required, or for your own personal reference). Sen, Mita. “Indian Culture in the 21st Century.” Cultural Insights, 2010. Web. 8 Nov. 2011. 1. Author and/or editor names (if available) 2. Article name in quotation marks (if applicable) 3. Title of the Website, project, or book in italics. 4. Any version numbers available, including revisions, posting dates, volumes, or issue numbers.
7. Medium of publication. (web) 8. Date you accessed the material. 9. URL (if required, or for your own personal reference). Sen, Mita. “Indian Culture in the 21st Century.” Cultural Insights, 2010. Web. 8 Nov. 2011. |