Study Skills

J. Roth

Textbook and Sample Chapter Survey Form


For the textbook:


Ø  Check any of the following that you find.



Course Name: __________________ Textbook Name:_____________________


Author(s): _____________________Most Recent Copyright Date: ___________


Check the parts you find:


_____Preface                       _____Table of Contents                 _____Index


_____Glossary                     _____Appendix (Appendices)         _____Bibliography



Number of Chapters in the Table of Contents: ___________


Are the chapters divided into units?  Yes      No




If the book has any special sections in the back (appendices), what do they contain?








What Web help does the textbook offer?


____Textbook Website          ____Textbook CD/DVD     _____Online Tutoring



____Web Enrichment Activities  (Sidebar, end-of-chapter, etc.)










For the sample chapter:


Ø  Check any of the following that you find.


Beginning of chapter help:


______Introduction         ______Objectives           ______Goals     


______Pre-tests               ______An Outline           ______Questions


______Other __________________



End of chapter help:


______Summary             ______Review Questions             _______Study Questions


______Tests and Quizzes             ______Other _________________



What font is used for key terms? __________________________


Approximately how many flash cards would you need for the chapter’s key terms? _________



Are there pictures in the chapter?  Yes    No  


Are there Sidebars (information in the margins)?  Yes    No


Charts, Tables, Graphs?  Yes     No


Any other special features? (Web/Internet?)  _________________________________



Fill in this outline shell with the fonts that correspond to each of the chapter’s size divisions.


I. Font used for chapter title: _______________


           A. Font used for the largest pieces of the chapter (sub-chapters):  ___________


                     1.   Font used for next division:  (Pieces of sub-chapters): ___________


                                a. Font used for next division: (Pieces of those pieces): ________