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c/c = classical conditioning                  Psychology 101           1 of 2

stim = stimulus                                               May 8, 2006

 rep = repetition (s)                                    Classical Conditioning

uncond  = unconditioned

cond  =  conditioned




c/c  = process teach sub to respnd to stim thru repeat




            famous  ex.    >    Pavlov dog bell meat scnt


            bell + meat scnt = dog mouth watr


            aftr reps > bell only = dog mouth watr




before c/c   >




               uncond stim = meat scnt

               uncond   respons   =  mouth watr




after c/c    >


             cond stim   =    bell


             cond   respons   = mouth  watr






why?   imprnt on brain aftr many reps = condit




     aver.   human reps = 28 to c/c   sub




     aver.   rat reps = 20 to c/c   sub




    no  reward = extinct    in    time



    must reward  =  (meat scnt)    occas    to    keep    cond.