InSync  Sen/Roth                                Essay Author’s Name:_____________________


Peer Editor’s Name: _______________________


Culture Project Peer Editing Form


Essay Author: Please underline your thesis sentence and the topic sentence of each body paragraph before giving the draft to your peer editor.


PEER EDITOR—please respond to the following items:


Thesis Sentence


Is the thesis sentence easy to locate?   Yes                 No      Comments:



Does the thesis sentence conform to the requirements discussed?





Body Paragraphs: Please respond to the following for each body paragraph:



Body paragraph #1 (this should be the second paragraph of the draft)


Is the topic sentence easy to locate?



Are the paragraph’s details unified? If not, please specify.





Are the paragraph’s details in a sensible order? If not, please state the problem.






Are there enough details in the paragraph to support its topic sentence?


Body paragraph #2 (this should be the third paragraph of the draft)


Is the topic sentence easy to locate?



Are the paragraph’s details unified? If not, please specify.






Are the paragraph’s details in a sensible order? If not, please state the problem.






Are there enough details in the paragraph to support its topic sentence?



Body paragraph #3 (this should be the fourth paragraph of the draft)


Is the topic sentence easy to locate?



Are the paragraph’s details unified? If not, please specify.






Are the paragraph’s details in a sensible order? If not, please state the problem.






Are there enough details in the paragraph to support its topic sentence?











Is the introduction effective?  (Does it end with the thesis sentence?  Does it create interest and/or importance in the culture so that it invites the reader to read on?)  Comments:










Is the conclusion effective?  Does it close the essay comfortably? Comments:













Sentence fragments?  Comma Splices?  Run-on sentences?  Pronoun Agreement errors?  Subject-verb Agreement errors?  Point of View errors (switching to “you” without reason)?  Comments: