InSync                                                                                                 NAME:_________________


Textbook and Sample Chapter Survey Form


For the textbook you are surveying:


Ø  Check any of the following that you find.



Course Name: __________________ Textbook Name:_____________________


Author(s): _____________________Most Recent Copyright Date: ___________


Check the parts you find:


_____Preface                          _____Table of Contents                     _____Index


_____Glossary                        _____Appendix (Appendices)            _____Bibliography



Number of Chapters in the Table of Contents: ___________


Are the chapters divided into units?  Yes      No




If the book has any special sections in the back (appendices), what do they contain?







What Web help does the textbook offer?


____Textbook Website          ____Textbook CD/DVD     _____Online Tutoring



____Web Enrichment Activities  (Sidebar, end-of-chapter, etc.)


What do you believe will be the most challenging part of using this book?

