
Fall 2011

Paragraph 2


Name: ____________________________________________________________

Problem-Solving Draft Due:_____________

Final Draft Due: ________________________                                Grade: ______/50

                                                                                                Editing: _____/5



·         The final draft of your paragraph should be about 200-250 words, typed/written and double-spaced

·         Give your paragraph a Title.  Center the title above the text of your essay

·         Include your name, assignment, class and due date on upper right/left-hand corner of the first page

·         Number your pages if there is more than one page




After having completed the Scavenger Hunt, write a paragraph in which you will emphasize, in progressive order, three resources that will help you in college.



·         You will be graded on Organization (Topic sentence; supporting details; concluding statement), Development (specific details about these resources, including names of people, hours of operation, and services provided), and Mechanics (spelling, sentence structures, punctuation) criteria. 


Specific Steps:


Step 1: Using the Paragraph Outline form (Topic Sentence, Supporting Details, and Concluding Statement) as a guide, arrange your ideas in a logical order.

Step 2:             Using this paragraph outline form as a guide, write your first draft of the paragraph.

Step 3: Write a second draft, looking for completeness, unity, and coherence. Bring your second draft to the peer-editing session.

Step 4: Write a third draft of the paragraph, taking into consideration the feedback you received at the peer editing session. This will be the final draft you will turn in on the due date.


Paragraph Portfolio: Hand in, in a manila folder, the following items:


1.      Final, typed, double-spaced, draft of the paragraph

2.      Second (edited) draft of the paragraph

3.      Editorial comments

4.      Paragraph outline